We are being attacked by imported west ern and European sensibilities for the last many years. Our urban society is being invaded by life-style changes such as live-in relationships, free sex, permissive behaviour etc. Sexual behaviour in a country like India was always controlled by social , legal and ethical codes. The recent changes are affecting it and nobody can help the upsurge of irresponsible and reckless sexual trends. Besides legal punishment, unless our people are educated and enlightened enough to understand that sex is a very delicate matter which requires social. legal and moral sanction and is not a matter of manifesting one's animal self , rape will continue to be a problem. Women can avoid places and situations which make them vulnerable and susceptible to violent sexual assaults. But where do you protect women and how much? Sex between married couples is a most beautiful thing because it is born of mutual love and affection. The bond of young or even little girls with their fathers, uncles or cousins are beautiful things. But are we able to stop marital or incestual rape?Everywhere women are in danger. The legal system has to be upgraded in regard to this and women, mothers and parents have to be very careful. In this way, at least we can prevent some unfortunate incidents. The present outrage is heartening, but will the government rise to the occasion and
do something to protect women in our cities and villages. Will the legal procedure be subtle and kind so as not to harass a raped woman?
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