Recently I read Daya's songs in a book by Osho. The book is a gift from my cousin who has departed to Hardwar to find out what is his ultimate goal in life. All don't need to go to Hardwar to do that, all of us are different and we all have our different paths to seek. The book is beautiful. Daya'a songs would be beautiful too but this is a crude English translation of one of her songs. What struck me dumb was the question of my heart reflected in the poem. It reads:
Why does it happen
Oh, why does it happen?
Yet one does not find a soul mate.
In the absence of a single touch,
The flower of the heart
Takes one through so many seasons
Without blossomimg.
The heart , smiling on the outside,
Is weeping silently within,.
Why does it happen
Oh, why does it happen?
For how long things will go on
In this unlikely way?
When my hands will meet other hands
In lasting love?
When will my eyes understand
The language of other eyes?
When will the path of truth
Be free of thorns?
Why does the heart that is longing to gain
forever lose?
The song has very deep meaning. Most of the people can't listen to this kind of longing because the world catches up with them very first and strong and the noise of the world is deafening unless one is not thoughtful enough and questions the nature of existence.
What is the ultimate goal in our lives? To take a job, to be married , raise one or two children, get promotion, have some relatives and friends , chase career ambitions, money, security and grow old immersed in worldly chores and responsibilities? Most of us do exactly this and never does a question arise in their consciousness.
It seems so normal. But for the seekers, once they reach one goal, its ultimate futility bores them and they want something else. But the truth is we can never be satisfied if we chase the world because the world itself is unreal yet seemingly real.
What is our goal then? What this heart longs for? It longs for some higher association, but it doesn't get.
We all will have to find that which lies beyond. There lies the land of permanent happiness and peace.
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