Many writers and poets have written great things on mothers. When we were children, people used to have three four children. The mother had to take care of all the children and love didn't exhibit it in an ostentatious way as work kept them very busy. I had a working mother. So, we never hankered for any special attention and we sisters kept busy with one another too. None of our parents had the time or tendency to pamper us. But even then, I have felt, how deep and sacrificing a mother's love could be. I remember the time I suffered from severe clinical depression and used to cry for hours symptomatically because of the disease. My father stood by me and provided all kinds of medical treatment possible, but I clearly remember my mother crying helplessly sitting by me. That crying face can never be effaced from my memory. Once I needed money badly, I didn't have the amount and told my father about it. I needed it for my thesis. My father didn't give it to me but casually told that take it from your mother when she gets her salary. It was time to pay to the person who had typed my paper and I was feeling awkward about the delay in payment. I told my mother about it. The day she got her salary, she put the entire amount on my palm without thinking. I will never forget it till the last day of my life. These are only two incidents, all these years there had been innumerable, small little incidents that occur in our daily life, she has been so caring, No doubt fathers love us and stand by us in the time of distress, but but mothers are a different species altogether. What makes them different from the fathers is the complete lack ego and unmixed love. Whether they are ill or okay, happy or sad, they shower their love on us in many ways.
Thanks to the new age of living and thinking, the parents are pampering their children like anything because they have only one or two children, and the children, after learning to fly, don't care for their parents as much as they care for their jobs or say, their family. We belong to the times when technology and science are the callings of modern man. People are becoming materialistic and mechanical. The emotional quotient is going down day by day. Today’s mothers are different from yesterday’s mothers in the sense that want their own space and want to pursue their careers and hobbies besides nurturing a family. There is nothing wrong in it too. But a mother’s love is the most condensed and unsoiled kind in the world even today, as love as a word is changing its connotation. It is incomparable, sparing the mothers who are different for reasons like illiteracy, lack of intellectual level, casteism, selfishness etc. I have a soul sister whose mother stopped talking to her three years ago as she wanted to marry a boy from a lower caste.
We live in the modern era, yes. We want our mothers to be literate, liberated, enlightened, cool , open to new ideas and tremendously loving. Had I been a mother, or if I get a chance to be one in this life, natural or foster mother, I will be one such mom. Beyond all boundaries, not possessive, and happy in the happiness of my child. After all, I cannot take out all the nice things I have gathered and the bad things I have purged my mind of. This is the truth that we all will go from here to the death's valley, and before going , why not be tremendously giving. That needs a big sacrifice, the complete annihilation of ego. It is the only thing that destroys and kills love mercilessly.
While I am writing my blog, my eyes are swimming on a page of today’s news paper. It holds two articles on the mothers who are struggling against odds like poverty and jail confinement while trying to give their children good lives. Besides these there are so many poor mothers who lose their lives or their children while giving birth. The government machinery is also not too kind to them. We need our mothers to be safe during childbirth, eat healthy food and get love from every section of their personal and social life to survive and live. Female foeticide has to go down or we will not have enough girls to be mothers. We have miles to go before we are eligible to be children of our mothers.
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