Saturday, May 12, 2012


Look, you stand beneath a lonely tree,

In the shade,

Beyond the shadow, the heat of the blazing sun

is forgiving nobody,

There is no sign of water or relief for miles.

Still you stand,

Holding your love

To your breast, because when it entered you,

It entered into your blood, your marrow.

The beloved became a stranger,

Because after three years of soul-connection,

Suddenly the world dawned on him,

And his mind showed him where his happiness lay.

It lay in everything except your love,

which emptied itself for him, body, heart and soul

and breathed him

each moment of joy, laughter, tears and life.

So you stand alone,

Because in your veins flow so many words,

So many moments and so much longing,

A longing that goes beyond the distance

of time ans space, beyond the hills,

the towers and the rivers,

Eternity became its time,

Eternal turned its self.

Even though the patterns of the scenes

would change,

no new life or time could overrun it,

Or mitigate its presence.

A body can get fatigued of love,

A mind can quarrel, bite and sting,

A life can get tired of the mundane monotony

Of daily existence,

But a soul will not forget its course,

Because there is nothing that lies beyond.

The body and the mind

can gather maggots and rot,

But the blue waters of love will never

cease to cascade down the hillock,

where we exchanges spirits some day,

The witness forests standing by its sides

Will also never dry up.

Why do these water drops overflow

the brink of the eyes, unnoticed and silent

And subdued sobbings break

the sacred solitude , that is solely your own?

The nameless flowers in the garden turn pink in desire

sometimes, and the absence hurts,

but sanctity covers it with its white pall,

Because nothing that is, forever, can die,

Even in utter aloneness, and utter pain.

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