I see so many mothers, including my sisters grappling with many problems related to raising their children and making them study better and be achievers. They never even think why all the children can not get more than ninety percent. Nature itself teaches us about variety and diversity. There are so many places, rivers, lakes, weathers, people, trees and flowers in this world. They all cannot be the same. If it happens, the earth will be a very boring place to live in. Similarly all the children have their own gifts. What parents, Principals and teachers should know is that the children are meant to be different. All cannot be engineers, doctors, administrators or bank professionals. Some have the talent of being an actor, a copy writer, a cinematographer, a sound recordists, a multimedia professional, a lawyer, a sports person, a writer, a singer, an artist or an entrepreneur. We should never impose our ambitions upon them. They should do what they enjoy, and love to do.
Our society, today , is undergoing a big transition. We are opening up to the world and adopting good and bad things from other countries and cultures. It's the duty of every citizen and every parent to consciously monitor what is going on in our society and our houses and stand up to the situation. God has sent us to earth to do good to others, live our lives in such a way that we can be free from sins.
There is a subtle world and an external world all of us live in. The external world in materialistic, it is about money, wealth, achievements, fame , self esteem, pride, ego and vanity. But our subtle self has divine characteristics like love, patience, loyalty, faithfulness, understanding and remaining free from all the evils and do such KARMA so that we can balance both the world. This human life is our only opportunity to be free from the cycle of birth and death and to be united with the source that has created this universe. We may enjoy and go after our happiness, but we should not be too attached to it and remain righteous and free from sins like excessive physical desire, anger, greed and a self-oriented existence so that when we go, we can at least go with the good feeling that we have not done much wrong and have lived humbly.
There are many people among us who understand the reality that we may go any time and we should live accordingly. I remember reading an article in which a school boy writes a strange essay on happiness when his classmates write on their birthdays, tours , ice-creams and new toys. He writes his essay questioning about happiness. Is happiness just living a life of convenience and getting a wealthy and comfortable life? He writes that once when he was sitting under a tree, he saw a leaf falling from the tree and he felt happy. The truth behind this subtle statement is huge. Only people who give time to think about the mysteries of this universe and our existence in it can understand its significance.
We all are just running after one happiness or the other and we also think that we are able to make others happy. We don't do it in realty because we love ourselves the most,but it is possible when man breaks the boundary of mind, reaches the heart and then moves to the soul level. And it's not easy because we are completely involved with the external or the material world. If we can keep a Buddha or an Asravakra inside, then only we can balance the two worlds; of enjoyment and renunciation. Then only our life will be worthy.