Saturday, April 14, 2012

If we observe closely, in an unbiased way, not as a man or woman, but as an individual, we see that standing at the threshold of 21st century, we are no different as far as role play is concerned. The new generation does show a change. Today's young men do care a little more as far as their women are concerned, but still, it is the woman who still bears more of the burden of family life. Earlier, women were not going to work, so there were clear role divisions. Women kept homes and men earned the bread. But today, even at a time when educating girls and expecting them to build a career of their has been accepted as a normal thing, barring the honeymoon season, it is the woman who is expected to perform all the traditional womanly duties besides working outside and earning money. They cook, serve, wash, clean, go through pregnancy and childbirth, tend to children, look after their studies and sacrifice their individuality for the family. Our men have adapted the western and European modernity in some strange way while expecting their women to be the same age-old Indian woman.

It is true that if we make issues of it, family life will become hell and families will suffer. That is why women remain silent at times and bear many incongruities and offences without raising a hue and cry. That is how Indian families survive, at the cost of the happiness and freedom of women. Men like their women to be soft, tender, weak, dependent and subdued and get happiness by thinking that they are giving happiness to them and by taking care of them. Even the men of high intellect, knowledge and sophistication don't hesitate to declare emphatically that they are are the saviours of the women species. It is painful to say that men praise those women who demean, belittle and subdue their beings and sacrifice their joys, their creativity, their interests ans leisure to keep their families together.

God had created men and women to make life on earth beautiful. As women sacrifice their happiness because they have been treated so through the ages,as they are physically weak and vulnerable, men should complement them with the same degree of sacrifice, by supporting them with their physical strength. They should love and appreciate them as the beautiful creation of God and look after their happiness. They should respect their sacrifice because they are not merely meant to be used for enjoyment, childbearing, earning money and doing household work. Only when men and women respect one another and love one another completely and sacrifice to the equal degree for one another, can this earth be a beautiful place. But today, where we stand, it will take a lot of understanding, complete elimination of egoistic manhood, and a lot of effort on the part of men and women to reach a point where they can see themselves as equal partners in the game of life.

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