I read much later that there is a state in human conscious called ANAGRAHA SHITI or an existence at a level where you have understood the transitory nature of the world and stay in a disinterested state.
It does not mean that you have stopped working at all; it means working without any expectation, working because work flows from you in a pure state but your consciousness has shunned worldly expectations. It also does not mean that you don’t indulge in the pleasures of the world,. You do take part in life, but you are not attached to it. You are not a doer because you are not driven by a desire to do something noble or great, but you are a doer because you are in a life form, and work is a necessity.
I read about it much later and understood it immediately. You can reach such a state where you don’t possess evils like fear, ego, anger, complexes, zealously, strong desire; physical or otherwise and things like that. It’s a blissful state. It requires a lot of self-assessment and cleansing of the inner self of many human frailties.
A point of time came, when I was drawn into love, on a grater plane. It means not bestial passion drawn out of nothing, but a love that grows little by little and reaches your soul. A love that makes you a giver, a river, and a sunlit valley and everything seems beautiful. It’s a kind of love that is with the world and without. So many things changed inside. So many things came alive. When you find someone you can connect with at the soul level, you want to give and give, to this world. In ordinary bonds, it doesn’t happen, because one remains subordinate. It runs by the rules of the world with all its weaknesses and is fragile. Love can happen only when you are true individuals meeting on a higher plane. We humans make our men and women sacrificial goats and there is just drudgery, tiredness, resentment, expectation and frustration and compromise in worldly bonds. At the soul level, there is no separation.It’s a heavenly bond. But sometimes it happens that souls cannot meet. The world comes in between or they fail to recognize one another.
When you have felt a soul connection and it breaks, it is not easy to bear it because the root has gone very deep.Love remains, but it exists in separation. One can find peace only when one can go back to one’s blissful aloneness, that ANAGRAHA SHTITI OR disinterested existence while still doing duties as long as one lives. In this state work flows fromyou in pure state and you even don’t recognize yourself as a doer, because the‘I’ or the EGO in you has died. You don’t want praise, you don’t get hurt, and you do because it flows from you. You don’t live for needs, but because you have a life to live and play a role in the cosmos. It becomes a cosmic existence. You look like an ordinary person, you talk, eat, sleep, laugh, bow down, rise, fall, like everyone, but you have changed inside. It’s not easy to recognize such a person. It needs the same vibes, the same wave length.
The transition period is on. I am gradually returning from where I had entered to another state of love. A soul connection never dies. It remains there forever. But the communication is snapped and the journey becomes different. To that blissful state.