It was a day the teachers and the parents were meeting in the school to share information about the progress and academic development of the children. One of the mothers went to the class teacher and showed her a copy( For God's sake, they are not copies, call them note books or exercise books). Her point was that the child had written whatever was corrected in the note-book by the teacher.Her argument was that even though it was a wrong answer and the the teacher had over-looked it( Don't blame it only on the teacher, they are always burdened with assignments)the child deserves to be awarded marks for that answer as it was the teacher's fault.Teachers are human beings and humans are fallible. Sometimes mistakes do happen when the classes are over crowed and there is little time to cope with the burden despite the best efforts of the teachers. And are the teachers the only people to be blamed? Don't the parents have any responsibility?They are educated enough to find out and correct if they find a mistake in a notebook. Or at least they can report it to the concerned teacher.What should be the solution in such a case? A parent has a right to complain, but the child should be given the benefit of doubt with the knowledge that the answer was wrong and the right answer is something else.
Sometimes I think that can't we ever go back to a state where parents taught their wards to respect the teachers and at least be polite to them. If there are orientation programmes for teachers, why can't the parents be oriented about their responsibility concerning their own children.Can't they be made aware of the fact that being well educated doesn't only mean to have 98% in examinations. Every child on this earth is an asset for the society and the parents. They should be taught to be achivers but the right way, with a very positive and polite way.
What an age we are living in! There was a time when parents reprimanded the students for securing less marks and the teachers fraternity was being held in high esteem.In the present scenario the teachers have to be friends and philosophers too.
Love begets love. And love begets learning too.
It was not that in earlier days all the teachers were Godly characters, but people realized that good values such as respecting the elders and teachers should be inculcated in the innocent minds so that they follow the same culture when they grow up. Out society, our value system, out interaction with our fellow human beings has been completely changed with time. With the sociocultural transformation many bad things have emerged to the surface with the good aspects. Parents choose to have one or two children and become obsessed with their academic growth. They forget that God has made this world with so many colours, and varieties. Then how can all the children of the world perform the same way. This kind of expectation puts tremendous stress on children. With proper attitude and understanding, children can achieve in so many ways and so many fields. Parents should try to understand the aptitude and capability of their children instead of trying to make them only engineers,doctors or managers in multinational companies. And it is a terrible truth that today's children are more demanding in their attitude towards parents rather than giving.Along with marks children should be helped in becoming good human beings. So, instead of confronting teacher, parents should try to help their children in acquiring good values and help them in their academics either directly or just keeping watch on how they study and how much effort they can carry on their shoulders. Besides that, what is most important is that they should allow them to chose a vocation they would love to follow and excel in.Then only a new society can be built, a free and liberal society, where children are free to fly on the wings of their dreams instead of feeling suffocated.
Very nice. This must be disseminated to the parents so that they would learn what is an ideal role of a parent.