Wednesday, February 1, 2012

After the rain

It was just after a good shower that I looked through the window.The world looks somewhat fresh and pristine after rain. The outside looked beautiful, as it looks after rain, especially if there are a lot of trees and greenery. Suddenly my eyes caught a sparrow. It was still drizzling, and it was unusual that instead of finding a shelter in some tree it was out in the open, getting wet. What was abnormal was that it's feathers were all ruffled up, as if it was very agitated. I wondered why. Then I noticed it. Under a bush, there were two tiny sparrows. They were really small, not yet ready to fly. How they came there was a surprise. It was the mother sparrow who was so worried about the safety of its young ones. It was a wonderful feeling to see the mother being so protective about its children. It was nothing extraordinary, yet it was so exciting to watch the scene.In today's life, we remain so preoccupied with our life that we forget to see the beautiful, tender miracles nature has bestowed the world with.

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