Saturday, August 25, 2012

Night, Rain, Music and the gifts of God

There is a time when the mind is just an empty slate. Each day, some activities and some problems would occupy the mind space, and the mind would struggle to solve them and again become clean. They are blissful times, without any much expectation from life.And whenever something surprisingly good happens, the heart acknowledges it with gratitude and humility.

Sometimes, the same mind has something written onto its surface, the slate exhibits a cobweb of lines that don't get erased quickly, and surprisingly enough, they give as much pleasure as pain. There seems to be no way out because the 'within and the without', both pose a threatening situation. And then the cobwebs of lines lose their original direction, get torn, and the torn bits stay long enough to produce great pain and unhappiness. When we are unaware of something, we are blissful,but knowledge of something and the joy associated with it, if unattainable, produces pain. Complete realization is possible only when we have experienced something to the fullest and have grown beyond it, to higher realms of love where it exists only for its own sake.

Rain is an inconvenience to the doers who bustle about restlessly like bees and consider it a nuisance because they see only the gross world with their eyes. But it is a bliss of nature to the people who see it as one of the subtlest and most beautiful creation of God. There is a strange sense of security associated with it that comes to the surface whenever it rains. If you are in a crowd, you look upon it as some temporary break in a dry life and view as something that unites people and binds them in a strange togetherness. The inconvenience turns into something that everybody in the crowd shares. If you are alone, you can enjoy it in anyway you like.

Night and rain have a different connection altogether. It turns into an experience of temporary salvation, a lullaby that rocks you into sleep with its inherent music. Thinking at a higher level, it feels like something very subtle and very mysterious. Aren't all the creations of nature, mysteries, as they are.We become so used to life and so occupied with the gross life that the deeper and the subtler truths completely go unattended.

At one point or the other, we come across situations and people in life, that we consider as gifts of God. Afterwards, life turns out to be very disastrous, utterly painful and disturbing so as to threaten our confidence in goodness. We sulk about the injustice and the unfairness of life. That is when God sends rains in the night. I am not lying. Lift your head from the work at hand and detach yourself from some shady business that keeps you occupied. Pull away from your physical world into the world of silence and listen intently to the ethereal music of the rain. What more you can do is, switch off the light, click on an old song in your music system and close your eyes to lie down. You can unmistakably feel God's touch and with the pouring rain drops , your heart will melt and start flowing. Feel the gratefulness, the bliss and God's presence.

Beauty of rain is not all about the indulgence of an elite mind. If you have to know it, you will have to watch the farmer taking a break under the tree and watching the rain filling his land, and the joy of estimating his harvest and profit. Rain is not about profit and gains, loss and pain. It's God's way of communicating with us. It's a beautiful phenomenon that again and again draws our attention to the mysteries of the universe and our existence in it, as a drop in huge ocean, the beauty of being born in the earth by chance, to get the opportunity of experiencing life and watching its elegance from a distance.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Encounter: Rain

The clouds sped past in the sky

Rolling out their grey pall from north to south,

A sudden breeze started from nowhere and

Chilled your skin to the bones,

like a peak winter morning,

The coconut and neem trees shook their head

In sad understanding,

Still you wanted to dance in abandon,

Your heart going da…cha…cha…cha…

But you didn’t,

You only clutched at your umbrella, your clothes

And handbag

and tried to

Save your present world,

Which was getting a good many drops.

After the shower,

You traced a zigzagged path,

Carefully avoiding stray pools of water,

Hurrying vehicles

and the muddy, swampy tracks.

The day’s fever had gone down,

And the streets wore a wet and desolate look

You unfolded a sheet in your

Room, fed the sole fish,

And lay down,

With misty rain in your eyes and

In your soul.

On Being an Witness

From the day we are born in this world, we undertake so many journeys. Recently, when I was on a journey from Bhubaneswar to Dhenkanal by train I was thinking about it. Trains are good places for contemplation. You are alone yet you feel like being in a family, in a family of unknown people who seem very known, just because life follows almost same pattern for humans in general. Seasons are beautiful. But rainy seasons are special. Wherever your eyes go, that is, through the windows of a train, you see intermittent patches of water, seasonal pools caused by rain water and the rivers pregnant roaring. If it rains, it’s a cozy and secure feeling being with people who keep chitchatting on politics, family matters,the degradation of so many things, sports and career.

In the recent past I had undergone a different journey in the form of a personal crisis and suffered from acute depression for which I am still under medication. Gradually I am coming back to my normal state and my thoughts are a little clearer now as the clouds are moving away. I sat and looked at the beautiful view outside; the hills, the greenery, the water-filled paddy fields,the swamps, the long patches of water caused by rain. The thought just came to my mind that how fortunate we are to have been given a human body and a human intellect. We can perceive the gifts of God and can slide through life watching the world scene like a witness. Standing at a distance we can observe this beautiful creation with its varieties of living and non living forms. Of late , as I am emerging from a traumatic phase with countless thoughts tearing my being into shreds, I have started felling a greater oneness with this creation, without getting too involved. It is a truth that when we remain occupied with our interests, ambitions and desires, we become limited, worrying about only a few people, a few interests, our own egos, our own ups and downs. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t act at all and pursue our heart’s desires, personal or spiritual. But they are all temporary, or we would not have been unhappy after attaining one goal and had started looking for another. I don’t think so by observing human beings only, I am observing myself too. As I have started emerging from my clouded self that pulled me downwards and defeated all my efforts to rise up to the moment, I feel a greater love. I feel as if I have become a mother of hundreds of children I come into contact daily. And this feeling is completely devoid of any possessiveness. It’s not that I had or have no desire for personal or professional happiness, but fate didn’t put that kind of happiness in my lap and I think my conscious has started to accept it. Certain pains follow us to our grave, but with right understanding and complete lack of expectation we can sail in turbulent waters with calmness.

Acceptance is what brings us peace, because till the day we try to change others, we suffer, because we should never try to change people we love. And once the mind stops expecting and turns humble, the whole existence and its positive forces rush in to do things we cannot do. I have felt it many times in my life which has been full of struggle to find a foothold, a sense of dignity and self respect and have suffered despite innocence. Anger is our worst enemy because it makes us blind in the moment and that moment is crucial as it doesn’t relent without damaging our self unless we are very alert and are watching our mind from a distance. I have, many times in life, felt terrible helplessness, yet no anger towards a person who is the source of my suffering. And when the tears of helplessness have come, and have defeated me. I have felt God’s touch.

Recently, a younger brother, known to me, shared his wisdom with me. He advised me not to get involved and to watch everything inside and outside us dispassionately even while doing our duty sincerely. I already knew it, but when I lost something intangible yet immensely valuable to me, I broke down. I know I may go back to my witness self, though it will take quite some time. It also doesn’t mean that I will stop living a vibrant life, but I have an inkling that it will be different. Once we learn to surrender to the existence, it starts taking care of us. I had felt it once in the past. Sometimes we fail to understand why the universe puts us through the same kind of tests and also takes away the opportunity of happiness. Because inner happiness shines up our external world and we just want to give, give and give. When givers meet, love becomes a prayer. The existence has its own ways to deal with our frailty, our quality of being human. WE have to deal with our frailty and our pain. When we learn to surrender, the lotus of love blooms, and it’s a different state altogether where the ‘I’ dies and ‘we’ emerges. That experience no book can give us, it comes to us once we surrender the ‘ego’, the ‘I’ and recognize ourselves as the travelers spending a night in the ‘inn’ of the world. At that point life becomes a celebration, a celebration in which one can listen to the silent music of the cosmos and lives in abandon, in immense freedom and immense love. But we will have to drop everything we have accumulated inside, and to purge our mind of the dust and dirt of egocentric existence.

These are reflections and understanding only. Even that is not enough. We have to live it and breathe it. Then only whatever we do will flower into something or all our efforts will end up in nothing despite our good purpose. And to do it, we have to be tremendously courageous to stand alone and choose. This world is an illusion, yet we will have to stay in it to perceive the witness self and to do whatever possible .