Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Live through the day

There are days, hours and moments,
despite every thing being done,
You begin to wonder
why HE alighted you here,
definitely not to feel empty and alone,
Even the wings of poesy refuge to open their wings,
As if some evil God has cursed them to remain stuck
with the glue of poison or nectar
You remain alive to everything and everyone around you,
but nothing, no seed sprouts inside,
no song unfolds to lift you
from this earth to the zenith

You know the truth faintly
That something dead is still breathing noisily within you,
and there will be no escape from it till
you hit the pyre and turn into ashes,
The wound keeps bleeding inside
only the skin has dried up, healed
and the scar has begun to faint.

Some beloved old philosopher told that day,
nonchalantly ,
that if you have risen above your mind, heart
and have reached the abode of love,
it is yours forever,
the wicked world not withstanding.
You are a white lotus that lust cannot soil,
So, live the tears, and live each day,
Let Yamuna's dark waters flow past you,
Let the dead leaves fly here and there,they will
sing for you, a song
only you can here, listen to it keen,
Smile through the cruel day,
And live,
As if nothing has happened.

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