Saturday, March 5, 2011


Some author had almost nonchalantly mentioned in the beginning of one of his stories that life is a strange humdrum affair, and appearances can be very deceptive. Human mind is capable of perception, yet that perception can be very deceptive because the mind is such a peculiar thing, it fabricates and weaves it's own illusions and disillusions.Most of the time the mind is completely incompetent in understanding other human minds and is deceived like anything by situations and appearances and more often by its own expectations. We are mostly slaves to our own expectations.

To have expectations is not wrong at all, but to simply expect is more than foolishness.Nothing is ever given to human beings on a platter. Yet,often we sit and either or lament about things. We rue that things are not happening according to our desire. Our utopia never happens yet we keep dreaming about it and get disappointed and frustrated. It is a sign of lack of evolution and growth. I am not talking about the consciousness that never expands. In this vast existence that we call universe lives are planned to be different. Every consciousness has to either very underdeveloped, developing or developed state. The existence is designed to be imperfect so that souls born into it are sent with opportunities to strive for perfection: perfection in many aspects and through many stages. Hence each soul undergoes a different set of experiences. The real gems of human kind are those, who take a hint from the existence and work on it, and turn a small small gift into a great event of their life, and make things and people happen. These people bring change in the world.

There are people whose lives are designed to be spent in pursuit of livelihood, bread and butter. The next level is for beings who, sheltered and comfortable harbour ordinary personal ambitions like the material prosperity of self and children.Those, who are able to free themselves from these shackles of petty ambitions through constant thinking, meditation and studying are able to visualize a higher perspective of life. If they are able to steady and still their wavering mind and set it free from the gross and the transient, are able to attain the stability that is required for consistent and committed effort to realize anything that is good, noble and higher. Their mind is established firmly in the consciousness, is unmoving and centred.Nothing disturbs its stillness.

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