The clouds had appeared
and we waited for rain,
but not a drop fell,
The shoot and dust on the
grew thicker and the air
with emissions.
They cut the beautiful
Neem tree the other day
Where the man in a soiled
turban sold
sugar cane juice and chit-chatted
the boy with a cartful of bananas.
The roads are wider now
and smoother
The sun’s rays fall and
bounce back to the lives
that move or run on them.
The trees are gone, all of
them, with nowhere to stand
and to wait for departures
and arrivals.
The other day, the hills
in my city were in blaze
Some men started a fire
for something,
and it killed so many
trees and animals
and spoiled the homes of
the birds and
the smaller beings.
The river in your village
is running dry,
But in rain also we caught
wrappers, bottles,
Plastic and dead fish in
those dark and dirty waters
And choked on the thick
That the plant nearby put
into it
day after day.
The papers are telling
that we will start dying
Or be diseased of this
air, this heat,
this water and these
poisons we let
into all the good things
God had made.
Should we not then
Be done with ruining
And make as many trees
from earth,
As much water from rain
And put the plastics into
recycle bin?
Sure it makes us stronger,
Can’t we walk to the
nearby shop
and cycle down the road to
With the breeze singing in
our wings
and our hearts on a roll?
Let’s make the trees
invite rain
And the blades of grass
dream of dew drops
Let the green hills block
the path of clouds
And let the rivers carry
pure water
and make the good crops.
Let our skies be free of
Of smoke our air poison
Let’s make our earth, our
A safer place in to be.